

Poslaťod Večernica » Uto 24.04.2012 16:24

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V skratke - Utonagan je plemeno psa silne pripomínajúce vlka, ale v skutočnosti nemá z vlka vôbec nič, je šľachtené z troch plemien domácich psov: Aljašský malamut, Nemecký ovčiak a Sibírsky husky. Pochádza z Anglicka.

Je často opisovaný ako vynikajúci temperamentný pes a je tiež často spomínaný ako skvelý rodinný pes a spoločník. Miluje spoločnosť ľudí a vychádza dobre s mačkami a psami menších plemien, ak im boli predstavené v rannom veku. Utonagan nie je strážny pes a bude lízať cudzieho človeka skôr ako na neho štekať. Utonagan občas vyje.

Potrebuje spoločnosť a pozornosť, môže sa uňho vyvinúť deštruktívne správanie, ak zostane sám po dlhú dobu. Utonagan sa výborne cvičí a dychtivo vyžaduje aby s ním jeho majiteľ pracoval.

Poskytnuté údaje z oficiálnej stránky http://www.britishutonagan.com/
Ďalšie užitočné informácie http://theutonagansociety.com/ a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utonagan

The Utonagan is medium/large in size and well-muscled, but possesses a slender build that lends to its wolflike resemblance. The breed has a thick double coat that appears quite different in winter and summer. The guard hair is straight and slightly coarse to the touch. The pelage can be silver grey, cream, or brown with black overlay and a characteristic wolf mask. It also comes in all white, all black and Ink Marked, meaning white with markings of brown, silver or black which look like ink spilled on blotting paper.


The Utonagan is a dog with a superb temperament; this in turn makes for a wonderful family dog and companion. They love the company of people and also socialize well with cats and smaller dogs. They are not a dog that likes to be left alone and problems may arise if they are, such as destructive behaviour and escaping. They have a high "pack" mentality, and it is best they have the company of another dog(s), unless you are able to give them your full time companionship. If trained incorrectly, the dog may suffer same-sex dog aggression during its "teenage" years. They are very intelligent, are boisterous in play, and can do well at many activities.


Unlike some of their ancestors, Utonagans will return to their owner when called, if they are trained to do so from a young age. Utonagans enjoy being trained and they are exceptionally quick learners and are always eager to please their owners. They need firm, but fair training starting at a young age.The Utonagan's coat is very easy to manage and (roughly) only requires a twice weekly brush. However, when the dog is moulting, its coat will require more attention.


Some have thick coats that keep them warm in cool conditions but they have great difficulty staying cool in summer. This becomes a problem when walking the dog during hot weather, so owners must be careful not to over-exercise the dog and to keep water available when playing.Utonagan can live up to 10–15 years of age.Generally the Utonagan is an active agile and healthy dog, they should not be overly exercised until their bones are fully mature.Prior to breeding all breeding stock should be KC/BVA hip scored and eye tested clear.


The Utonagan and Northern Inuit were created from 5 rescue dogs of unknown origin imported to the UK from America in 1987. Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute and German Shepherd were added. The original dogs were bred by Edwina Harrison, who advertised them as wolf-dog hybrid.[2] Buck, the founding father, looked like an Alaskan Malamute. His more wolf-like pups were prized for breeding.The Utonagan and the Northern Inuit originally came from the same stock, but the Utonagan Society further developed its lines by returning to stock from the conceptual breeder. They are now considered two separate breeds.

The name Utonagan was found in a book of Native American mythology by one of the original breeders, Lyn Barraclough. It was then suggested by Brian Jenkins, her partner, as the breed name. It is originally from a Chinook tale where Utonagan is interpreted as "Spirit of the Wolf".

Štandard plemena

British Utonagan Association - 2008

Should resemble a Timber Wolf. Large, strong and powerful presence but not too heavy in build with longer legs compared to build of body . Should show overall straight, balanced top-line, and move covering the ground with ease , with good reach.

A powerful and adaptable dog. Built for travel. Agile, ability for endurance and fast work, alert and intelligent.

The temperament , friendly and intelligent with no hint of aggression

The head should be large and long (average length 9 - 11 inches), being the same distance (5 - 6 inches) between the occupult and the stop as breadth of the skull. The stop should be slight, not too severe. Skull should taper forward. Broad strong muzzle, lips firm and closing tightly. Nose should be black or dark Brown, lack of pigmentation or snow nose considered as a fault, taking into account bitches may suffer from this temporarily due to seasons or lactating.

Colour ranging from Brown to amber or yellow (preferred). Good pigment, almond in shape, coat accentuating the eye so that they look larger.
Blue eyes will be considered a fault.

Large, but should be in comparison to head. Set slightly lower down and tip slightly forward as to give the illusion that they are smaller. Once dog matures they should have a good covering of hair around the inside of the ear. Slightly rounded at tip. Soft ears to be considered a fault.

A strong muzzle with well developed powerful jaw is preferred. Bite should be scissor bite, Lips Black. Undershot or overshot jaws are regarded as a fault.

Fairly long and slightly curved line where it connects to the head, well muscled, looks bigger due to heavier coat “Mane” in this area, give the impression of strength.

Built for travel, narrow chest, shoulders sloping enabling good reach. Forelegs long in comparison to body. Elbows close to the body, turning neither in nor out.

Streamlined chest. Body and Tail in comparison showing a long animal. Well sprung ribs into tuck and well muscled loins.

Well muscled hindquarters giving push and leverage, from behind dog should move straight and move easily, hocks should be straight, slight turn of stifle.

Front paws large in comparison to bone, turning out very slightly. Back paws smaller Pads slightly webbed, longer toes on front feet. Dew claws on hind feet will be considered a fault.

Should be bushy and thick not feathered. Should hang straight past the hock. Carried straight and high when excited or at a trot. Should not curl round on itself, straight tail preferred. Spitz tails are to be considered a fault.

Effortless, with a good reach and ground cover, powerful drive from the hindquarters.

Dense double coat, waterproof harsh top coat and soft thick undercoat, thicker /longer around neck, tail area. No feathering on legs, excess feathering in comparison to coat on ears, tail and trousers undesirable.

Colours allowable: grizzled combination of timber grey, silver, black, white and buff single colours of black, white.
Pied or ink marked colours undesirable.

Bitches 25 ins and above to top of withers. Dogs 26 ins and above to top of withers.
Dogs generally bigger than bitches.
Height should be taken into consideration with overall appearance.

Approximately 55-90 lbs and should be in proportion to height, age and frame should be well covered and fit.

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be considered should be in proportion to its degree .

Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles descended into the scrotum.
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 180
Bydlisko: Myjava

Re: Utonagan

Poslaťod Domca » Uto 24.04.2012 18:52

Zaujalo ma to, lebo severanov a ovciakov zboznujem, nasla som tuto foto... :hi: Je to aj tak dalsi kvazi krizenec...ale musim povedat ze vzhladovo je nadherny... :yes:

The reason people find it so hard to be happy is, that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be.
Big Dog
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 1875
Bydlisko: Brno/Liptov

Re: Utonagan

Poslaťod Margita » Uto 24.04.2012 21:18


tu uz bol Utonagan spominany aj ostatne plemena podobne vlkom
"Dnes vím, že člověk, který má všech pět pohromadě a jen něco zná o psech, se foxteriérovi vyhýbá obloukem" Zdena Frýbová
"Neexistuje pes, který by měl vlastnosti foxteriéra"Zdena Frýbová

Všetko začína a končí v hlave
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 5654
Bydlisko: Bratislava -Vereknye

Re: Utonagan

Poslaťod fiore » Str 25.04.2012 8:18

Zamilovala som sa. :love:

Raz keď budem veľká a budem mať dom s obrovskou záhradou a budeme bývať v Škótsku alebo inej studenej riti, určite si tohto krásavca zoženiem :angel:
Let’s agree to disagree.
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 105
Bydlisko: Ba, Dúbravka

Re: Utonagan

Poslaťod Saarly » Str 25.04.2012 8:27

tie oci... :oo: nadherny
Properly trained, a man can be dog's best friend.
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 268
Bydlisko: Karlova Ves, Bratislava

Re: Utonagan

Poslaťod Večernica » Str 25.04.2012 12:56

Spomenutych bolo vela, ale nech ma aj vlastnu temu, doprajme mu to :lol: Su krasne, ale osobne by som ho asi nechcela, ja som na SAV a CSV, popripade SH :smile:
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 180
Bydlisko: Myjava

Re: Utonagan

Poslaťod kkamkak » Pia 04.05.2012 22:27

sú úplne úžasní!!! :poklona: :aplause:
pohľadala som pár fotiek... :jop:





sú fakt úžasní!!! :jupi: a si predstavte, že ho máte doma a ujde vám cez noc.. najlepšie v zime... :ua: :haha: ísť okolo hentakého cudzieho psa a pritom eše si myslieť, že je to vlk... :haha: nepriala by som.. :ha:
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 241
Bydlisko: PD/BA

Re: Utonagan

Poslaťod Nanda » Sob 05.05.2012 12:51

Ten dlhosrstý vyzerá naozaj ňuňu :love:
Big Dog
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 1540

Re: Utonagan

Poslaťod Mia.. » Ned 13.05.2012 20:05

Wau, krajšieho psíka som ešte nevidela.. :love: :love:
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 113

Re: Utonagan

Poslaťod Ell » Str 11.07.2012 14:07

krásny :o)
Psovi je jedno či ste bohatí alebo chudobní, vzdelaní alebo nevzdelaní, múdri alebo hlúpi. Dajte mu svoje srdce a on vám dá svoje.
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 123

Re: Utonagan

Poslaťod LenkaLeo » Štv 26.07.2012 20:00

:pac: :pac: Zas jedna "genialna" myslienka, skrizit dve absolutne rozdielne plemena. Len by ma zaujimalo, co tym chcel basnik povedat.
Extrerierovo to vyzera stale ako severan (plus-minus), takze naco tam bol pridavany NO?

Co sa tyka povahy a schopnosti:
-ak chcem psa s vysoko vyvinutym obranarskym a terietorialnym instinktom, chcem ho na sluzobnu kynologiu (obrany, stopy, zachranarcina, atd), alebo ak chcem psa - ovciaka, povodne slachteneho na pracu s ovcami, ak chcem psa, ktory ma bude pocuvat na 200% kedykolvek a kdekolvek, kupim si NO

-ak chcem psa na sportove vyuzitie v zaprahu (dogtreking, canicross, bikejoring, scootering, skijoring, zapriahanie do sani a pod.), ktroy bol slachteny k samostatnosti a istej davky nezavislosti k majitelovi, ktory si v sebe nosi velku davku divej prirody, a ktory pre svoj vrodeny a dlho cielene slachteny lovecky pud sa nebude dat nikdy na 100% vycvicit, a nemoze byt nikdy pusteny z voditka, ktory je vyborny rodinny mazlicek a absolutne neagresivny na ludi (aj figurantov, zlodejov, vrahov, fetakov atd), tak si kupim severana (SH, AM)

Ak si niekto mysli, ze po skrizeni dostane NO, ktory bude tahat v zaprahu, alebo huskyho, s ktorym bude robit obrany, tak ho caka asi velke sklamanie. Pravdepodobne to budu psy, ktore sa nebudu dat pouzit ani do zaprahu, ani na vycik, a ani k praci so zvieratami.
:prd: :censored: :prd:
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 369
Bydlisko: Martin

Re: Utonagan

Poslaťod Leila Tobrok » Pia 27.07.2012 10:41

účel vlčí výzor bez pridania vlka do kríženia. ani jedno im nevyšlo. vlka moc nepripomínajú, len skôr severanov a druhé, použili do chovu aj čsv a iné plemená, aj také, ktoré toho vlka v sebe majú. tuším aj SAV a tak. takže plemeno made in USA je len ďalší americký pokus mať niečo "extra".
Plánujeme šteniatka, vrh "I" - Leonberger - zima 2022 / jar 2023
Leila Tobrok
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 5940
Bydlisko: terra Illmer castri Zolgagyeriensis

Re: Utonagan

Poslaťod LenkaLeo » Str 01.08.2012 17:28

Wau, prave som zistila, ze v Dolnom Kubine sa stratil (tulal sa) psik, teraz je na karantennej stanici mestskej policie. Podla mna je to "cistokrvny Utonagan" :joint:
http://husky-rescue.webnode.sk/sibirsky ... u/severan/
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 369
Bydlisko: Martin

Re: Utonagan

Poslaťod Leila Tobrok » Str 01.08.2012 19:31

tá variabilita plemena je na jednu stranu pekná, ale na stranu druhú, sú v nich rozdiely ako trepnem u šeryho... brutálne rozdiely... preto je pre mňa Utonagan a Tamaskan kríženec a nie plemeno. Niečo v začiatkoch, niečo, čo za plemeno ešte považovať nemôžeme... i keď sú zaujímaví, ale príde mi to ako u šeryho zbieranie všetkých čiernych NO a tomu podobných, plus bradáče, tak u utonagana - všetko čo vypadá ako severan alebo trolinku pripomína vlka...
Plánujeme šteniatka, vrh "I" - Leonberger - zima 2022 / jar 2023
Leila Tobrok
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 5940
Bydlisko: terra Illmer castri Zolgagyeriensis

Re: Utonagan

Poslaťod Domca » Str 01.08.2012 19:37

LenkaLeo píše:Wau, prave som zistila, ze v Dolnom Kubine sa stratil (tulal sa) psik, teraz je na karantennej stanici mestskej policie. Podla mna je to "cistokrvny Utonagan" :joint:
http://husky-rescue.webnode.sk/sibirsky ... u/severan/

Offtopic: Brana som na DF inzerovala uz daaavno a uz nasiel domov :yes: Napisem im aby ho stiahli z inzercie....(inak v KS bol asi dobreho pol roka....)
The reason people find it so hard to be happy is, that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be.
Big Dog
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 1875
Bydlisko: Brno/Liptov


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