

Poslaťod Leila Tobrok » Štv 09.10.2008 22:09

Ako tak pozerám, nie je tu žiaden topic venovaný tomuto menej známemu plemenu...
Všetky dostupné info sú ale v angličtine.
V skratke však ide o plemeno vyšľachtené k vlčiemu výzoru bez použitia vlčej krvi. Výsledok má celkom pekný vzhľad, pripomínajúci Československého vlčiaka alebo Saarloosa. Na kríženie boli použití malamuti, husky a kríženci nemeckého ovčiaka s neznámym pôvodom.


tu je pár info s oficiálnej stránky plemena:

The Official TDR Tamaskan DogStandard
Revised 28/8/08

The Tamaskan dog originated from imported sled type dogs from USA many years ago. These dogs were later mixed with Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute and German Shepherd and then exported to Finland where more recently other wolf looking sled type dogs have been integrated to improve bloodlines. The aim was to create a dog that looks like a wolf with working ability.

The Tamaskan Dog is large and athletic. He should have a wolf-like appearance with coarse and thick fur, small ears and a straight bushy tail.

The length of the body from point of shoulder to the rear point of pelvis is longer than the height of the body from ground to top of the withers.

The Tamaskan Dog is friendly and affectionate. He should not appear aggressive or overly reserved towards people or other dogs. His high intelligence and eagerness to please make him versatile in his uses as a working dog and loyal companion.

In balance with the body. Forms a wedge between eyes.

Forehead: slightly arched.
Stop: Slight/Moderate

Nose: the nose, lips, and eye rim pigmentation should be black, the lighter streaked " snow nose " is acceptable.
Muzzle: Long, Clean, straight bridge of nose. Should not be pointed.
Lips: Close fitting.
Jaws/Teeth: Jaws strong and symmetrical. Well developed teeth, Scissor bite.
Cheeks: Clean, sufficiently muscled.
Eyes: Eyes are Yellow through amber & brown. Almond shaped and of medium size. Blue eyes are a disqualifying fault. Close fitting lids
Ears: Of medium size, but small in proportion to the head. The ears are triangular in shape and slightly rounded at tips. Set wide apart on the skull. Carried facing forward and erect.
Neck: Slightly arched, long and strong.

Topline: Level topline with a slightly sloping croup.
Withers: Well muscled, pronounced.
Back: Firm and straight.
Loins: Short, well muscled, not broad, sloping slightly.
Croup: Short, not broad, falling away slightly.
Lower line and belly: Taut belly, tucked up.

The tail should reach to the hock joint but not beyond. At rest the tail is carried downward, but when the dog is excited or in motion, it is carried higher. The tail, should not be carried curled over the back. Coarse thick hair but not feathered.

Front Legs: The front legs are straight, close together and the feet should turn slightly outwards.
Shoulders: The shoulder-blade is forward, well muscled.
Upper arm: Strongly muscled.
Elbows: Close fitting, turned neither in nor out.
Forearm: Long, clean and straight.
Feet: Long arched toes.

Hind Legs: Hind Powerful. The hind legs stand parallel. Dew-claws not desirable and should be removed.
Upper thigh: Long, well muscled. The hip joint is sturdy and flexible.
Knee: Strong, flexible.
Lower thigh: Long, clean, well muscled.
Hocks: Long, clean. Set low to the ground.
Pasterns: Slightly slanted, strong, flexible
Stifles: Well bent, turned neither in nor out.

Light, balanced but powerful flowing movement similar to that of a wolf. Massive ground coverage

Tight, without wrinkles.

MAKE UP OF COAT: Straight, close. In winter the coat differs as a impressive undercoat forms all over the body including the inner part of the ears. Well coated neck. The coat should form a slight ruff around the neck and shoulders framing the head.

COLOUR: Black Grey, Wolf Grey and Red Grey always with black overlay and characteristic wolf mask. Solid colours unacceptable.

Height at Withers:
Adult Males 63cm – 71cm to the shoulder
Adult Females 61cm – 66cm to the shoulder

Adult Males 30kilos – 45kilos
Adult Females 23kilos – 38kilos

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault, and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

- Untypical eye colour
- Incorrect Ear carriage
- Incorrect markings
- Incorrect tail carriage

N.B.: Male dogs must have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

The History of the Tamaskan Breed

The first dogs to start the ball rolling, leading to the Tamaskan Dogs of today, came over from America in the 80’s. These 5 dogs were imported into UK and described as husky type dogs – origins unknown.
These dogs were then bred to Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky and German Shepherd crosses – origins unknown - with the idea in mind of creating a dog that resembled the wolf but with a good temperament, thus being suitable as a family dog, foremost with working ability.

In the early days, through selective breeding by a couple of people, these dogs were mated to perhaps pure Siberian Huskies or first generation crossbreeds. A couple of German Shepherds were also used and Alaskan Malamute. But after that, they were selectively bred to each other over a few years trying to create this wolf look-a-like. (Up until this time, no one is 100% certain of the breeding programmes, as no records were made available) . Eventually given the name wolf-dog, in approximately 1988 the name changed to Northern Inuit (NI) as there was no wolf content, and the wolf-dog name was misleading. As a result, a Northern Inuit Society was formed. However, differences in opinions subsequently arose on how the breed was developing, leading to a split and a new Society being started. With two NI Societies, and the breed going in two directions, one Society decided to change the name of the breed to the Utonagan to disassociate itself with the NI, thereby forming The Utonagan Society. The new Utonagan was now starting to look quite different from the NI, but was still not looking wolf-like enough, although temperaments of all of these dogs were exemplary. After a short while, there was yet again another split due to differences of opinions, and, the subsequent formation of a new Society known as The British & International Utonagan Society, headed by the then-President of the original Utonagan Society along with some of their members. The original Utonagan Society then ceased to exist until some time much later when it was resurrected by a new committee.

Meanwhile The British & International Utonagan Society continued to selectively breed and improve type, keeping all records of matings, health issues, etc., starting a hip scoring and eye testing scheme, setting rules and regulations, a code of ethics and providing breeder’s contracts. Eventually these dogs started to look different than the dogs being bred by The (original) Utonagan Society.

Sadly, the original breeders kept inaccurate records in the breed’s beginnings, and matings had taken place between closely related dogs, resulting in some health issues creeping into the breed which were not discovered until much later. What was now needed was a new injection of healthy, unrelated bloodlines, which led to a search for new dogs with the look and working ability necessary, but not losing the temperament of the dog.

The search for other wolfy looking dogs with similar ancestry led to Lapland where dogs of a very similar appearance were being bred for sled pulling in extreme temperatures. These dogs’ close ancestors were also some of the best sled racing dogs in the world and would enhance the breed’s future working ability. After some negotiations with kennel owners, a female was purchased and imported into the UK, with an additional six dogs booked for import from the same kennels.

With a collection of new bloodlines now organized, it was time to think about the future. So, it was decided after much debate by the committee members of the British & International Society to close down the Society, as the old (original) Utonagan Society had just been resurrected with a new committee who did not wish to follow the standards of The British and International Utonagan Society or include new bloodlines in their breeding program. Therefore, it seemed obvious that the present Utonagan would soon not resemble the ‘new’ dogs whatsoever and they would need a new name.

The foundation stock consisted of the original female imported from Finland which was taken back to Finland along with 7 selected dogs from the Blustag Kennels of UK (and also 4 selected dogs from UK and 2 in USA, all from the Blustag Kennel). The reserved six dogs were then collected from Lapland. Out of these, two were exported to UK an adult male and female from different litters. Two other foundation dogs were added in 2006, after which no more breeds have been added.

It was February 2006 that The Tamaskan Dog Register was formed. Tamaska means ‘Mighty Wolf’ in North American Indian language.
The Tamaskan Dog Register, formed by the original committee members of the The British and International Utonagan Society (and two members from as far back as the Northern Inuit Society), is now the Governing Body for all Tamaskan dogs throughout the world. Since forming in early 2006, the Tamaskan Dog Society of Great Britain and the National Tamaskan Club of America have also been created.

Tamaskan Dogs have been exported from Finland to Denmark, The Netherlands, UK, Germany, France, Sweden and USA.

The Tamaskan has a very bright future and must NOT be confused with the Utonagan, whose standard is somewhat different, the main differences being the depth of stop, shape of head, length of coat and the Utonagan’s acceptance of a wide range of colors and markings. With many additional small differences, the Tamaskan is in all a different breed which can be clearly seen by comparing pictures from the Tamaskan Gallery with those found on The Utonagan Society Gallery.
Plánujeme šteniatka, vrh "I" - Leonberger - zima 2022 / jar 2023
Leila Tobrok
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 5940
Bydlisko: terra Illmer castri Zolgagyeriensis

Re: Tamaskan

Poslaťod Whip it » Štv 09.10.2008 23:37

Fiha, tak o tomto fesakovi som este nepocula...
leiluska píše:V skratke však ide o plemeno vyšľachtené k vlčiemu výzoru bez použitia vlčej krvi.

A pritom by clovek povedal, ze je to vlkov brat :heh: .
Whip it
Big Dog
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Re: Tamaskan

Poslaťod Niki » Pia 10.10.2008 10:13

Jejdanenky, ten je úžasný :jupi: :foto: . Prvý krát o takomto krásavcovi počujem. Má niekto aj na Slovensku alebo v Čechách takéto plemeno? No ja by som mala véééľmo veľký problém rozlíšiť tamaskana od ČSVčka
priateľstvo so psom trvá až za hrob
Big Dog
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Re: Tamaskan

Poslaťod Leila Tobrok » Pia 10.10.2008 11:03

Podľa môjho názoru tam dáke čévečko alebo Saarloos boli... Neviem, či by sa dalo dosiahnuť takého výzoru naozaj bez použitia vlčej krvi. O tomto plemene som sa dozvedela z wolfdogu, už hodne dávno, tam sa tieto plemená preberali.
Vzhľad majú pekný ale veľmi neustálený. Keď si pozriete galériu, nájdete tam smer husky, smer NO, smer Saarloos, ja som vyberala krajšie fotky, ale sú tam aj s hodne odlišným výzorom. Asi tam je stará pracovná línia huskáčov, lebo tí dnešní sa na to vôbec nepodobajú... V Čechách ani na SVK ho nemajú a pochybujem, že aj niekde bližšie. Je to veľmi neznáme plemeno. Od čévečka sa ale dá rozoznať. Síce majú v štandarde takmer to isté ako čsv, keď postavíš čsv a tamaskana, uvidíš rozdiel - nie fotky ale naživo.
Plánujeme šteniatka, vrh "I" - Leonberger - zima 2022 / jar 2023
Leila Tobrok
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 5940
Bydlisko: terra Illmer castri Zolgagyeriensis

Re: Tamaskan

Poslaťod Leila Tobrok » Pia 10.10.2008 11:09

tu je Utonagan - ďalšie vlkom podobné plemeno:

a Northern Inuit:

ale aj toto sú oni
Plánujeme šteniatka, vrh "I" - Leonberger - zima 2022 / jar 2023
Leila Tobrok
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 5940
Bydlisko: terra Illmer castri Zolgagyeriensis

Re: Tamaskan

Poslaťod Maruška » Pia 10.10.2008 21:37

Ja osobne teda poznám hodne veľa plemien, ale toto vidím prvý krát. Rozhodne je to zaujímavé a atraktívne, ale nie je to zas nejaký pokus o novinku v štýle a la America? Lebo sa mi zdá že tých plemien teraz pribúda za posledných 20 - 30 rokov enormne rýchlo...Kamoška má ČSV, je to fakt kusisko, ale tí sú pekne ustálení, toto vyzerá podľa vašich obrázkov dosť premenlivo - asi ako alaskáni..
Aj veľký pes s ešte väčším srdiečkom je niekedy ukrytý v malom obale :-) M.
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Re: Tamaskan

Poslaťod Ema 012 » Pia 10.10.2008 21:43

tak o tomto plemene som nepočula je vobec uznané ako plemeno? Alebo len niekoho pokus o niečo nové?

Inak k alaskánom ono to vlastne ani nieje plemeno ale kríženci aby sa dosiahla rýchlosť a odolnost voči zime a chladu.
Ema 012
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Re: Tamaskan

Poslaťod Betka » Pia 10.10.2008 21:51

Je to fakt nádherné plemeno :smile: :jop:
Big Dog
Príspevky: 1446

Re: Tamaskan

Poslaťod Leila Tobrok » Sob 11.10.2008 9:21

Maruška píše:JKamoška má ČSV, je to fakt kusisko, ale tí sú pekne ustálení, toto vyzerá podľa vašich obrázkov dosť premenlivo - asi ako alaskáni..

dovoľ aby som ta opravila, čsv ani zďaleka nie je ustálené. koľko kusov si posadíš vedľa seba, toľko rôznych psov uvidíš. dokonca ani proporcionálne nie sú až tak ustálení... avšak u Tamaskana je premenlivosť oveľa väčšia - niekoľkonásobne.

pelmeno nie je uznané FCI, ale je uznané v USA ako plemeno. pri týchto 3 plemenách sa vlastne snažili presne o to, o čo sa snažil Saarloos a Pohraničná stráž. Vyšľachtiť vlku podobné plemeno. V Európe chceli aj zachovať vlastnosti vlka, ale naproti tomu u Tamaskana chceli len výzor. Neviem či sa im to veľmi podarilo. Chcelo by to vidieť viac jedincov, ale čo som pozerala fotky na nete, tak sa podobá len málo z nich.
Plánujeme šteniatka, vrh "I" - Leonberger - zima 2022 / jar 2023
Leila Tobrok
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 5940
Bydlisko: terra Illmer castri Zolgagyeriensis

Re: Tamaskan

Poslaťod Amaguk » Sob 11.10.2008 11:49

leiluska píše:Podľa môjho názoru tam dáke čévečko alebo Saarloos boli... Neviem, či by sa dalo dosiahnuť takého výzoru naozaj bez použitia vlčej krvi.

teoreticky aj ano, su napr. SH, ktori vyzeraju dost ako zmenseny vlk, uz sme tu raz o tom hovorili, myslim, ze v suvislosti so Saarloosom
nejake foto "husky vlkov":

a vdaka za info o dalsom "vlkosovi", o tomto plemene som nevedela :smile:
ale celkom by ma zaujimalo, aki su v skutocnosti povahovo, lebo mixy SH a NO byvaju niekedy dost problematicke
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi

"I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that dogs think humans are nuts." John Steinbeck
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Príspevky: 12115
Bydlisko: Karpaty

Re: Tamaskan

Poslaťod Leila Tobrok » Sob 11.10.2008 12:14

ehm, no mne veľmi tí tvoji SH nepripomínajú vlka, prepáč. skôr také niečo milšie ako vlk. :no: ale videla som pár husky, nejaká stará pracovná línia, kde by sa to dalo prirovnať k vlkovi, tiež ten "Harcovský les" ním kryl

tá povaha by aj mňa zaujímala, boli tam mixnuté viaceré plemená, takže to môže byť zaujíamvý výsledok. tiež by ma zaujímalo využitie takého psa, asi záprahy, keď je tam ten husky...

Offtopic: prečo sú SHxNO problematickí?
Plánujeme šteniatka, vrh "I" - Leonberger - zima 2022 / jar 2023
Leila Tobrok
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 5940
Bydlisko: terra Illmer castri Zolgagyeriensis

Re: Tamaskan

Poslaťod Amaguk » Sob 11.10.2008 12:23

nemusis sa ospravedlnovat, to nie su moji psi :heh:
ale ten vyzor do "vlkovitosti" tam je, u niektorych viac- u niektorych menej, no urcite viac, nez "bezny" SH, o malamutovi ani nehovoriac...
laik by netypoval, ze to su vlastne SH :no:
toto som vybrala len cisto ako ilustracne foto, keby som viac hladala, najdem mozno vystiznejsie priklady - uviedla som to len ako "typovu" ilustraciu, ze na dosiahnutie toho "vlcieho" vyzoru tam nutne nemuselo medzi predkami byt CsV, teda ze info o vzniku plemena moze byt presna a pravdiva :no:

mix SH a NO vie byt problematicky v tom, ze pes zdedi strazne vlastnosti a vzrusivost po NO, no "ovladatelnost", "poddajnost" a "respekt" k ludom po SH :ach:
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi

"I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that dogs think humans are nuts." John Steinbeck
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 12115
Bydlisko: Karpaty

Re: Tamaskan

Poslaťod drymarchon » Sob 11.10.2008 13:35

aky je vlastne povahovy rozdiel medzi utonaganom a northern inuitom, ked som citala ze u oboch boli pouzite plemena AM, SH, NO ? inak obe krasne psy,skoda ze na nete nie je nic po slovensky. :ahoj:
ZAMARATAN FCI - chovateľská stanica československých vlčiakov
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Re: Tamaskan

Poslaťod Vikiki22 » Sob 11.10.2008 20:39

Tak, počula som už o všedakých plemenách podobným vlkom, ale nejak som sa nedopracovala takto ďaleko. Som rada, že sa do toho leiluska dala. :no:
Len nechápem, prečo to už ľudia robia... :nwm: Ako, OK. Páči sa im to, skúšajú. Ale nakoniec to aj tak nemá kto chovať, pretože nastanú problémy, začnú sa o nich šíriť nejaké ,,poviedky´´ medzi laikmi a podobne...Alebo práve naopak - bude to módne plemeno, každý ho bude chcieť, lebo vyzerá jak vlk. A to tiež nie je boviečo... (Viď yorkshirský teriér.)
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Re: Tamaskan

Poslaťod Leila Tobrok » Sob 11.10.2008 22:58

Podľa mňa je to len módnosť a tá romantickosť. Mať doma vlka. Resp. niečo čo je iné, čo "sused" nemá. Neviem aká je skutočnosť, ale pripadá mi to tak, že proste chceli niečo nové, tak sa pustili do experimentu, že možno keď skrížia toto a hento, dačo dosiahnu. Dosiahli celkom zaujímavý vzhľad - povaha neviem, ale ako inak, skončilo to tak rýchlo ako to začalo. Keby to malo úspech a potenciál, snažili by sa o uznanie v FCI a podobne. Aj ja si myslím, že to nemá kto chovať, možno niekto kto robí mushera si "obohatí" svorku, ale pochybujem, že by riskoval nejakým krížencom, ktorý ani nie je veľmi ustálený...
Aj čévečko má taký osud. Dnes mi vravela kamoška: "Tak ti idem do obchodu u nás, psov som uviazala vonku a pozerám, je tam uviazané čévečko. Krásny kus. Tak som išla dnu, že komu patrí, že pokecáme. A v obchode blond odfarbená holčina, v minišatičkách, na ´štekloch´hovorila o psovi. Ja že, to patrí vám to čévečko? Krásne je. A ona? Ježíš, nechcete ho? Ono to len hrabe v záhrade a ničí trávnik, všade špiní a vyje..."
a potom sa pýtam, na čo sa tvoria takéto plemená? koľko ľudí sa už mňa pýtalo, kde zoženú šteňa a nezaujímalo ich, čo je to za plemeno a o čom je...
Plánujeme šteniatka, vrh "I" - Leonberger - zima 2022 / jar 2023
Leila Tobrok
Obrázok užívateľa
Príspevky: 5940
Bydlisko: terra Illmer castri Zolgagyeriensis


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